Monday, March 2, 2009

Camp Revolution 2009

Brandon Ryder and Jeff Hammond are putting the finishing touches on this summer's Camp Revolution Itinerary, but you can sign up and pay for the camp now. Camp RevolutionA Family of four (2 adults & 2 kids) gets a bargain, local living history camping vacation, with all meals provided, and period clothing (rented) for less than $3600. I don't want to tell you what I spent to fly the family to Williamsburg a few years ago, but let's just say it cost a great deal more than Camp Revolution--and although there's nothing like visiting the shrines of freedom in person, this vacation will be a lot closer to living in the 18th century than you can find at most history vacation destinations. There are group and big family discounts too, so call Jan for details. (909-797-7534 ext. 201)

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