Monday, July 27, 2009

Riley's Farm Journal June 30-July 15, 2009

Riley's Farm Feed Summary

June 30 - July 15, 2009


Inspired, Unfortunately, by a True Story

                   Restoring Their Rightful Place
A "Front Man" Documentary

By James Riley, All Rights Reserved



A sullen, brooding teenager, JEREMY
Grossman, throws pebbles into the surf
and then turns off in the direction of a
seaside more.

A Riley's Farm July 4th..

(Video & Pictures here)

The Declaration is Read -- I only got choked up once!



Every day, around here, is something like July 4th, so, over the years we haven't emphasized the holiday, since we always felt we were competing against more flashy versions of the (read more..)


Free at Last

Sure, I can do that...Free at Last: Nothing spectacular, just a commentary on the trials of printing envelopes on a HP laser printer:

"...I put landscape. It printed portrait.."

"...great. Now it wants me to order a yellow cartridge.."

", it still says processing MS word...whatever..."

" do I tell it I ordered the cartridge anyway?..."

"...Dang. Portrait again. Yup. Same thing. Off the page..."

" many of these linen envelopes do we have?..."

"'s hovering between order yellow and processing MS Word document..."

"...I've seen that menu. I've been here already..."

" this the one I just printed or was that the one from the previous job before I replaced the yellow cartridge?..It printed too fast. You know?..."

Have you ever noticed, that with today's technology, there are certain jobs more.


In the Good Old Summer Time...

Foggy notions about cost-per-click and Audience Value

I'm debating our decision about evening hours. I think we're the place to have a great dinner in the country--to be certain--but I don't have a spare $100,000 to convince enough people to more.


Living History Javascript

It's a bit late for the farm journal, but I was feeling restless and a bit propeller-head from chasing down coyotes and playing with Javascript so as to add a Big Band web countdown and rotating jpg web-ads to the farm journal (above.) Javascript is not that tough--just a little tedious. For those of you who don't know web design, it' more.


Half Blog, Half Plea

It's 1946 in Old Oak Glen.

I want you to do something for your own good. A few nights ago, my wife and kids dragged me down to the Redlands Bowl for a Tommy Dorsey tribute. I didn't want to take a break--but I did. The night rushed in through the palm trees, along with the melodies, and before long, more.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Riley's Farm Journal June 20-29, 2009

Riley's Farm Feed Summary June 20-29, 2009


The Timeless Standard

Why It's Difficult to Redeem the Standard in Media June 20, 2009

Your correspondent is not a big fan of the beach, (I'm more of a beatnik, lounge-loving Calvinist) but his kids dragged him down to Newport/Balboa last night for hot dogs and s'mores. The company and the conversation was good, and it was a cold night, so it didn't quite seem as much like the running of the bikini salmon as usual. I marveled to see Ruby's still out there at the end of the Balboa pier. Concept Eateries always seem to change every few years in trendy, high-rent spots and there was the same Ruby's I remember on college trips down to Balboa--clean, polished, stainless steel with homage to swing era Coca Cola advertising. Some of our extended circle of home-schoolers even did a little impromptu swing dancing next to the machine-age appointments, and I took it as proof of my contention that if you adapt some sort of classic standard, family pictures will save you from being memorialized in baggy, prison-inspired beach gear.

My friend, Mike Lewis and I discussed the goal of starting a kind of film academy and more.

Making a Day of it on the Farm (Video)

June 22, 2009

Making A Family Day of it on the Farm This Summer

A Restaurant Commercial (Video)

Based on a John Adams Story June 24, 2009

A Restaurant Commercial Based on a John Adam's Story

They Just Aren't Man Enough to Say It...

The Anti-Human Agenda of Cap & Trade June 25, 2009

I've written about this before, but the zero population, anti-human, "global village" band of policy freaks know they will never be able to sell what Earth Day baby-hater Paul Ehrlich once tried to pitch when he wrote:

"(We need) compulsory birth regulation... (through) the addition of temporary sterilants to water supplies or staple food. Doses of the antidote would be carefully rationed by the government to produce the desired family size."

Only a tenured half-wit, or an S.S. field marshal could write that sort of thing. In practice, the way to keep people from read more

Patriots and Parishioners

June 29, 2009

We had a full public house on Saturday with the Pasadena Patriots and our larger than normal read more.